The Benefits of Yoga to Sleep Apnoea: How Certain Poses Can Improve Breathing and Alleviate Symptoms
Yoga is well-known as a stress reliever and can help people with sleep apnoea, but getting to regular classes can be a problem when you have a busy lifestyle. However, regularly practising yoga can be an excellent way to improve your sleep quality and manage stress. Yoga practice involves repetitive moves that help train the body and mind to respond in a specific and more healing way, which in turn can benefit sleep quality.
If you can’t get to regular classes, try practising some of these poses to help with relaxation but remember never to force the pose and only stretch as far as you feel comfortable.
Seated Forward Bend
A seated forward bend helps stretch your body, including the muscles in your inner thighs, calf muscles, hamstrings and the muscles along your spine. It can also help bring about a sense of calm. Begin with your legs stretched out in front of you, flex your feet and press your heels away. Inhale and sit up straight before exhaling and hinging at your hips to lean forward. Walk your hands forward as far as you can comfortably stretch. Each time you inhale, lengthen and lift your chest slightly so you can lean a little more fully into the forward bend. Stay in this pose for 1 to 3 minutes. If your hamstrings feel tight or your lower back feels painful, try sliding a rolled blanket underneath your knees to keep them bent.
Get down on your hands and knees, ensuring your knees align with your wrists and hips. Your shoulders and elbows should be perpendicular to the floor. Inhale, slowly rounding your spine towards the ceiling and drop in your head towards the floor so you look like a cat. Hold the pose briefly before exhaling and returning to the starting position. Inhale again and lift your chest and tailbone to the ceiling, curving your back downwards and raising your head. Hold this pose for a further second and repeat the entire sequence 5 to 10 times.
Seated Twist
Begin by sitting in a cross-legged position and exhale, placing your right hand on your left knee. Put your left hand behind your tailbone and gently twist your torso to the left, looking over your left shoulder. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the start and repeat on the right side of your body.
Yoga Breathing Technique
Ensure you’re sitting comfortably and inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, opening your mouth wide. As you exhale, make a ‘ha’ sound and concentrate on feeling the sound in your throat. After several repetitions, close your mouth and start inhaling and exhaling through your nose while still making the ‘ha’ sound. Continue this practice for 5 to 8 minutes a session but don’t continue for any longer than 15 minutes as this could strain the muscles in your throat. This yoga breathing technique will help to tone your throat muscles so your airway is more likely to remain open during sleep, helping prevent sleep apnoea. The process of regulating your breath helps quiet your mind and reduce stress